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Video Games

Indie Assault

Still in development, Indie assault is a fast paced platform fighter game being developed by Imagination Vent. As a character rigging/ VFX artist, I am creating 3D assets, rigging characters, and implementing stunning visual effeects in both Maya and Unity. 

Deep Squid

Still in development, Deep Squid is a 3D underwater exploration game. The player explores a low poly world which takes place at the sea floor. You start as a baby squid and grow into a monstrous Kraken with amazing abilities! I am currently creating low poly assets, animations and levels in Blender and implementing in Unity.

All assets developed by me


I worked with a startup group called UrsaMajor developing graphics for their game titled HyperTrain. The game is about a cowboy who boards a train and hops from traincar to traincar beating up bad guys. My job was to create different traincars (levels) and create images.


Leprachaun Escape

A quick and silly game made in Scratch about a leprachaun escaping from a city with evil robots. The character gif and the assets are all made in Photoshop.

It Takes Two To Tango

Video game in GameMaker I individually made for a class at UCSC. I created over 100 sprites for the game only using Paint. The game requires two people playing at once and involves their cooperation to work through the levels. Below is a download link and some of the game art.

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© 2016 Adam Fischer Graphic Design

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